When Galaxies Collide: Cosmic Fire Level 3-4

When Galaxies Collide: Cosmic Fire Level 3-4

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A level 3 light programmatic piece in three part form that is very accessible for middle school and young high school bands. When Galaxies Collide is a wonderful vehicle to introduce or reinforce changing meters and odd metric feel. The work includes expanded percussion instrumentation including standard instruments as well as small and large metal buckets.

The worksheet gives the entire band the opportunity to work on the metric changes together, and includes a section where the entire band can participate in the percussion solo which will facilitate learning and keep all interested while working on this section of the piece. It is a great work to add a slide show of space images during the band performance. Students can do the research, either on their own or with their science teacher, in finding appropriate images, making this piece a cross curricular endeavor. “When Galaxies Collide: Cosmic Fire” is truly exciting work that audiences and students will love.

The above picture of the Omega Nebula is from NASA.gov. https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/imagegallery/image_feature_768.html

If you purchase this piece, the score will print on 8 1/2” x 14” paper.

When Gallaxies Collide p1.jpg

Samples from Rehearsal Work Score:

When Gallaxies Collide Worksheet p1.jpg
When Gallaxies Collide Worksheet p2.jpg
When Gallaxies Collide Worksheet p12.jpg
When Gallaxies Collide Worksheet p13.jpg

Sample Part Worksheet:

When Gallaxies Collide Worksheet trumpet.jpg
When Gallaxies Collide Worksheet trumpet_0001.jpg