Choral Music SAB

All choral music downloads include: Vocal (piano) score, an MP3 recording of the piece (live or midi realized), and separate voice part recordings (midi realized) with the voice part enhanced for more efficient student learning and individual student practice. The music is priced similar to instrumental music. Pay one price for the rights to use the music, you may copy the number of parts you need for your ensemble. Each purchaser will receive a “hard copy” site license giving them and their organization permission to create copies of the music for their specific use. The site license should satisfy any festival’s or evaluation performance requirements for using copied music.

Any published music listed here will have a link to the publisher for purchase of the scores. The files that can be purchased and downloaded on this site for the published music are the practice voice part enhanced practice recordings, as well as the recordings of the piece. These are the files you will receive for the price listed on the product page, not scores. To purchase scores, click on the link to the publisher.


"Climbing" - Level 3 SAB Choir & Piano

Climbing is No. 1 in the collection "Moments Immortal", a collection of pieces set to texts by Amy Lowell and a great fit for middle school or young high school choirs. The text is about developing confidence through persistence resulting in achievement and thereby creating the successes of life (the town shining up there).  Such a great message for students that celebrates the joy of true accomplishment at "the end of the marvelous stair". For details, preview scores, full text, and recordings, click on thumbnail.

"The Trout" - level 3 SAB Choir & Piano

The Trout is No. 2 in the collection "Moments Immortal", a collection of pieces set to texts by Amy Lowell and would be a great fit for middle school or young high school choirs. The text is a narrative between a child and a trout as the child tries to coax the trout out of its hiding place to play.  We soon discover the motives are not driven by curiosity, but the child's frustrated desire to catch the trout! The setting evokes childlike images of curiosity and wonderment. For details, preview scores, full text, and recordings, click on thumbnail.

A Winter Ride" - level 3 SAB Choir & Piano

A Winter Ride is No. 3 in the collection "Moments Immortal", a collection of pieces set to texts by Amy Lowell and would be a great fit for middle school or young high school choirs. "Everything mortal has moments Immortal", the genesis of title for the collection of Amy Lowell poems set by Brian Story. The accompaniment and choral setting sets the mood of the horse and rider rollicking with joyful abandonment between the fields of  "wild heather", the "crystals rainbowed by the sun", and "the touch of the wind".  For details, preview scores, full text, and recordings, click on thumbnail.

"Wind" -level 2+ SAB & Piano

A fourth setting of an Amy Lowell poem, Wind was part of the collection "Moments Immortal".  It is published Colla Voce Music and the scores can be purchased through them. In Lowell's poem wind is a metaphor for the people that will "blow through" one's life. While all winds from all directions are so different, one can still like each one "the best".  For purchase information, preview scores, full text, and recordings, click on thumbnail.

"Moments Immortal" 

A collection of all three pieces for SAB Chorus & Piano written on texts of Amy Lowell. Climbing, The Trout, and A Winter Ride can be purchased here as a complete set. The download file will include scores, recordings, and all voice part practice recordings for all three songs. To peruse sample scores, hear recordings, and read descriptions of any of the pieces, please refer to the individual pieces on the website. To purchase the collection click on the thumbnail.