Whence Comes Peace? SATB Choir & Piano Level 3
Whence Comes Peace? SATB Choir & Piano Level 3
Purchased download includes: Vocal (piano) score, an MP3 recording, individual voice part recordings, and a “hard copy” site license giving permission to create and use copies for all members of their specific ensemble.
"Whence Comes Peace" is a level 3 piece for SATB choir & piano. It is an excellent work for high school, college, and community choirs. It is one of three pieces from a collection using texts by Canadian poet, Bliss William Carman (1861 - 1929). This work is based on his poem entitled “Peace” (1922). There have been edits in the last lines, so the work could end with “who give their lives to love”.
Carman uses beautiful imagery of the sun setting over a forest valley, and the quiet and stillness “as sandalled dusk goes by” to frame the question “Whence comes peace?” The answer, given by “one beyond a name”, is that “peace only comes to them who guard their lives from shame, holding truth for guide, and who give their hearts to love”. It is a wonderful text that can be interpreted in many so ways. Whether as one approaches the evening of their life, wondering when life’s peace will come, or one reflecting on the day just spent and what brings peace in each day. The text could be viewed in any one of various contexts for life, and is deeply needed to be heard today.
The purchased download of this piece includes: PDF File of the full score, permission letter to make copies of the score for your choir, mp3 recording of the work, mp3 recording of the the piano accompaniment, and mp3 practice recordings for all voice parts.
“Peace” - Poem by Bliss William Carman (as used by composer)
The sleeping tarn is dark
Below the wooded hill.
Save for its homing sounds,
The twilit world grows still.
And I am left to muse
In grave-eyed mystery,
And watch stars come out
As sandalled* dusk goes by.
And now the light is gone,
The drowsy murmurs cease,
And through the still unknown
I wonder whence comes peace.
Then softly falls the word
Of one beyond a name,
‘Peace only comes to them
Who guard their lives from shame,
Holding truth for guide,
And who give their hearts to love.’
* Carman’s spelling