Moctezuma's Better Brownie Batter (Mexican Brownies) Level 4+

Moctezuma's Better Brownie Batter (Mexican Brownies) Level 4+


Purchased download includes: Vocal (piano) score, an MP3 recording, individual voice part recordings, and a “hard copy” site license giving permission to create and use copies for all members of their specific ensemble.

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Moctezuma's Better Brownie Batter (Mexican Brownies) is No. 4 in the collection of  songs written about special desserts. All of the texts for the collection were written by personal friend, Joe Finetti. It is a level 4 piece for SATB Choir & Piano and would be a great fit for high school, college, & community choirs.

A tasty history lesson about how Mexican Brownies may have been created and how an ancient Aztec recipe may have come about. Enjoy!

Moctezuma's Brownie Batter p1.jpg


Moctezuma’s Better Brownie Batter (Mexican Brownies) - Joe Finetti

Moctezuma ate a brownie,
Soon his face began to frown-ie;
For he found the taste insipid,
To his chef and staff he quip-ped:

“This needs some chili!
I want some chili!
Your dessert is very dull.
If you don’t fix it,
And I don’t like it,
Soon some heads are gonna roll!”

From the kitchen came a pounding,
Chili grinders were a-sounding;
In the mix they put some cinnamon,
To the king they brought it in again:

“I taste the chili!
I like the chili!
Spicy brownies are divine.
Invite Cortes tonight,
We’ll give his tongue a fright,
Moctezuma takes revenge!”